Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Taking business on web (Online Business)

Hello Readers,

Many companies have proven record of taking their business on web and have made huge money online, for example India’s retail giant Future Group’s” International players have already proved themselves like, which has now become a Google invested company. Dell computers are probably one of the best examples of customization of features over web and quick and reliable delivery periods. But these successes don’t come in a day or even in a year you have to be consistent over the same.

But taking business on web for a small player is not that easy task, running a business on web needs many efforts, and investments.

Pre-requisites of Business on Web.

1.       You must have a good and pleasing web-site.
2.       Shopping cart facilities.
3.       Quick delivery period i.e. strong supply chain management.
4.       A secure website. Yes when it comes to payments it must be secure.
5.       Good and consistent SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

You can start expecting the business to grow in real terms after fulfilling these things.
But sure shot success needs a consistent performance over years and years.

Few more important things to carry business on.

1.       Make sure you get returning visitors. i.e a visitor who visits your website once visits again. He must get interest in your website and products and features though he may not necessarily buy.

2.       Make sure customers purchase the products regularly from your website, not just one time customer.

3.       Customer’s positive feedback and comments can drive the business; make sure you have a room for it.

4.       Make purchase an experience not just a purchase.

5.       Ensure your website have right branding and loyalty.

How to Make it..!

You must be thinking how can I do this?

Here are a few guidelines.

1.       Make sure your website is up to date. Every time a customer visits he must find something new, especially new products.

2.       You can have loyalty programs to make sure your customers remains loyal. Ex. Loyalty coupon generation for each purchase which can give up a discount over next purchase when entering the coupon code.

3.       Have a customer panel where customers can write their blogs, testimonials and experiences.

4.       You can have a 5 star rating/10 point scale on each product rated by customers.

5.       Have a unique profile for everyone who signs in your web-site may not be the customers only.

6.       Your site should also have social networking integrations. Ex. A customer can share/recommend/like your website or product or any web-page or his own comment over feedback panel over your website and can easily share with his/her friends over the social networking sites like Facebook, Yahoo Profiles,  Myspace, Google Buzz, Twitter, Orkut etc.  Similarly can bookmark over other bookmark websites, and can email the web-link to anyone.

7.       Make sure your customer remembers your website link and your brand name. This can be done by proper exposure of your brand on your website (like logo, tag-line, product names etc.) and fulfilling your commitments over each purchase.

8.       Have a proper feedback forum, insist your customer to file up a feedback forum once he receives his goods. This can help in controlling the things before it goes too wrong and also ensures you are going right.

9.       You can also show statistics like Visitors per day, Total no. of visitors, time spent by each visitor on your site, Total products sold by now, Total no. of customers, and other relevant statistics. Stats really works dear, people become more credible to website and think I am at right place.

10.   Provide online help and personal assistance on your website.

11.   Have a panel where customers can leave their contact information. so that you can get back to them for shorting their queries.

Want to hear more from me? Post a comment here and I will definitely respond to you.

Best Regards,
Navneet Singh Chauhan.